Ikhanka's African Wildlife Photography

The name Ikhanka, is Zulu for "black back jackal", one of the animals inspired me to work with wildlife.
I started photography in 2009 at the age of 16, and soon after I started focusing on wildlife. 2013 I started Working with wildlife, I studied to become a tour guide and rehabilitating wildlife. I love working with wild animals, and see a difference in the animals eyes to see a sick animal been rehabilitated and set free back into the wild. I also started studying, the animals behaviour (humans may think we are the most intelligent, but we can learn alot from animals, to life a more balance life).
In 2015, I started writing a book to help young/starting rehabbers to help with mammals, Ïkhanka's mammal rehabbing".
Although I help animal, by rehabbing them back to health, the best way to help an animal is, through education other people, and I think photography is a good way to show people, there is still beautiful nature, left in a concrete world.