Ikhanka's African Wildlife Photography


Vervet monkey, been transported to his new freedom, looking for at his new world

Meerkat looking for that beetle that escaped

Angry Spotted-Eagle Owl

Warthog digging his hole

Terrapin walking to freedom

Lin cub, just wanting a hug

Road to nowhere

Zebra on the run

Lion cub in motion

Lion cub, just having a rest

Tortoise on grass

Vintage tree

Forgotten farm house

A Special banded mongoose

black and white landscape

Mystical road

Fowl deer

Caracal enjoin his meal

Vervet monkey, longing for freedom

Water drops on a web

curious tree squirrel

Thick-knee beetle


Preying mantis having a fly

Lost in a jackals eyes

Serval, looking at the world

Serval relaxing at the water

Vintage photo of lions drink water

Lazy cheetah

The fire of the sunset

Cheetah even more lazy

Lazy cheetaz

Lion Cub footprint

Baby puff adder

A thirsty bee

Caracal footprint

1.3 Puff ader

Springbok and meerkat hanging out

Meerkat eating a snake


The bosman spruit

African Bullfrog

leopard tortoise havin a swim